Shirodhara is a 5000 year old therapy of Ayurveda that greatly effects the nervous system. This therapy is quickly becoming a draw for many modern spas because of its relaxation benefits. Shirodhara is word comprising two terms, "shiro meaning head and "dhara" meaning to pour a stream. Our brain is connected to every muscle in our body. Have you ever noticed the tree or root like structure of our nervous system? The brain and nervous system are sometimes symbolized as an upside down tree with the roots in the head, the trunk in the spine and the limbs are the branches. If you "water the roots", you nourish the whole tree. Shirodhara is where a steady stream of warm herbal oil is poured over the middle of the forehead. This is a point on that is directly related to the master gland, "the pituitary gland". This area has a high concentration of nerves. The herbal oil saturates the forehead and scalp. This penetrates the nervous system, brain and endocrine system. This therapy is deeply relaxing and nourishing. It is time tested and considered the number one treatment for the mind in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is like a massage for the brain.